Frequently asked questions
Reiki & Channeling
What is the difference between Reiki and Channeling?
Reiki is an energetic exchange between Source, a filter (being me), your spirit guides, and a client with the goal in mind to identify, process, and heal any physically troubling areas or emotional blockages caused by trauma. The 7+ chakra centers are typically assessed during a reiki session to determine where physical or emotional insecurities may be in a holding pattern.
Channeling is an opportunity to connect with those on “the other side” or those who simply are in a different dimensional form than we are. I can do this verbally through a conversation with you, have it in written form, or use different types of mediums such as art or music to provide you with symbolic communication.
How does a normal Reiki session look?
Reiki is normally done lying on a massage table face up although I have done many sessions with the client sitting in a comfortable position as well. Reiki does not require the removal of any clothing although jewelry or electronics may be asked to be removed when it can potentially interefere with a clear reading of the body.
What kind of beings can you connect with when Channeling?
The general collectives I access are:
The Angel Collective (including the Archangels)
Gods & Goddesses (of light and dark)
Gaia (the consciousness of the planet)
The Ascended Master Collective
(Yeshua, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Kuan Yin, & Buddha)
The Elemental (Fairy) Collective including plants and animals
The ET collectives I am currently in communication with are The Greys, The Arcturians, The Pleiadians, The Mantis, The Lyrans, The Sirians, The Andromedans, The Draconians, and The Orions.
Specific individuals and individual collectives may be done upon request.
What is Mediumship?
Mediumship is the accessing of ancestral wisdom, knowledge, and love. It is absolutely possible to call individuals in but your spirit guides may deem it more appopriate or relevant to have you focus on another person from your ancestral line or to be given more general messages.
Are there any guarantees?
I cannot guarantee a specific type of connection because it is your guides and Source which direct the experience. I can guarantee an experience which will be intended with your best interest and highest good in mind.
A note on ethics:
In being an ethical practitioner I will advise you if I feel that you and I are not a good energetic match and may refer you to another service in such a case. Often the issues that we work on can bring up deep-seated trauma from this life or past lives and therefore works well in conjunction with traditional therapy when done intensely or for extended periods.